Wednesday, February 5, 2014

You aren't working hard enough

Working in a commercial gym for almost five years made me realize something; most people do not work nearly hard enough in the gym. I've seen countless people in the gym 2-4 times per week, yet for years they look exactly the same (if not a little worse). Upon watching them a little more closely, I came to realize how they could spend so much time in the gym, yet remain the same. These people tend to superset trips to the water fountain with casually chatting on the elliptical. That's a great way to get a strong jaw, but it won't do anything for your body composition or strength. Now don't get me wrong, I think it's great that these people are in the gym - it sure beats super setting flipping channels with beer can curls, but are they progressing from the mean or regressing towards it? 

There are countless ways to progress in the gym. Here are some of my favourites:

- more weight
- more reps / sets
- longer range of motion
- pauses in the tempo
- slower eccentric
- accommodating resistance (bands, chains, etc)
- drop sets

You can combine multiple methods too. For example on my last deadlift session, I lifted from a podium (longer range), paused two inches off the floor (pause in tempo) and had chains on the bar (accommodating resistance). It was very difficult, but I'll be a heck of a lot stronger as a result.

So the next time you're in the gym, remember this article and do more than last time. You'll be better off because of it.

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